Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My New Routine

Currently listening to:

As some of you may know, I am a morning person. I tend to be a tad lazy most mornings because they are the only time I am free on work days. I want to just lie in bed until I have  to get ready for work. I have decided to quit that bad habit. So each morning, I am setting three goals for myself to complete by the time I leave for work. They aren't big tasks, just little things I can do to feel like I accomplished something. This morning my goals were to make myself breakfast (a legitimate one AKA not popping something in the microwave), do my laundry, and draw at least one photo. I'm proud to say that all my tasks have been completed. This puts me in a better mood and makes me feel prepared for my busy day ahead. Do you guys have any daily routines?

*Side note: I am trying to make art more often. Alyssa has already set up a store for me. Once I start pumping out some pieces, I will let you guys know. They hopefully will be for sale at some point in the next few months! Keep your eyes peeled! #hannahmakesuglyart

*Photos by me

Thanks for reading! - xoxo


  1. What a wonderful routine! Mornings are also hard for me. I have been trying to wake up earlier to do more but sometimes it just gets so difficult. I have been staying firm on eating breakfast though. Never used to do this but now I am making sure it is apart of my morning ritual, for the sake of my health and energy to get me through the day!

    1. I'm right there with you, girl! I use to skip breakfast every day, but I realized how important it is. I also am less hungry throughout the day if I eat in the morning. I hope you're having a wonderful day today (:

  2. I think I need a new morning routine, otherwise everything is great. I hardly ever eat in the morning, and whoops, I know how important that is! Haha. Glad to hear you making changes to your morning, sounds lovely if I do say so myself!

    Jes | Naturally Jes

    1. Thank you so much, doll <3 I hope you're having plenty of lovely mornings!
